Love is Pursuing Us All

cathal-mac-an-bheatha-208192As we have said farewell to 2017 and move into 2018, we are amazed at how transformative and fruitful the past year was for Coaching: Life Matters. More so, we are encouraged and confident about this new year and the days to come!At the beginning of 2017, we spent a month in India processing the Core Story of men in alcohol rehabilitation, young girls who were former sex slaves, eunuchs and business men and women searching for answers to their life’s journey.Later in the year, we traveled to Nicaragua where we met with teenage boys who grew up in war zones and who were given AK-47 guns to protect their lives and family at a young age.And most recently, my wife Charlotte and I hosted a panel discussion for thirty single women in Nashville (ages 23 to 34 years old) who are desperately seeking answers on how to overcome loneliness and find authentic relationships, who are spiritual seekers looking for guidance on how to navigate desire and faith.No matter where our work took us (whether in India, Nicaragua or at home in the USA), we found God’s loving presence over and over again in the lives of broken people, in the faces of beautiful searching souls who have faced hardships and trauma beyond compare.From soldiers suffering from PTSD, to speaking at untimely funerals, to guiding marriages in crisis, to providing addiction intervention, to processing childhood abuse, to helping young people with their toughest questions -- we confronted and exposed the darkness with the bright light of hope in every encounter we experienced.Our vision for Coaching: Life Matters is clear. We offer hope to the wounded. We reveal the pinhole of light to the oppressed. We open the door of freedom for those imprisoned by the internal lies they adopted as children. And we do all of this free of charge. Simply, it is our gift to the world.While we are eternally grateful that some folks are able to generously “pay it forward” and donate to our organization, we remain steadfast in our mission to provide our services free of charge.As we have said farewell to 2017 and count the past year’s many blessings, we are confident that 2018 will be full of surprises and opportunities to continue to help people from all over the world process their life journey as we bring light into the darkness.If you would like to join us in our mission, we are always grateful for your tax-deductible donations (, your prayers, and your referrals.You are Loved.Joyfully,Terry S. SmithFounder & President “Love in Pursuit”The love of God is greaterthan all the pain in the world,and we’ve been allowed to experience, to listento ten thousands stories (over the years).In India and Israel,and in Nicaragua:people are hurting all overthe world, and theirstories are so personal,so hard and too private to share.Through tears and crushed spirits,we become Angels attending them.We let them know God’s presenceis seeking them.Whether it’s sick children,the oppressed or lonely,we want to know where God isand we believe Love is pursuingus all.Whether it’s the prisons of darknessor the mountaintop of confusion,we go with God.We share His Love.We share His Story.We share His Journey.Photo by Cathal Mac an Bheatha on Unsplash


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