16 Questions: A Response to the 8 Be-Attitudes

By Terry S. SmithThese are very personal questions and are intended to be answered first and foremost between you and God in a quiet, secret place. The power of practicing these teaching brings inexpressible joy.

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  1. Am I in touch with the absolute reality of my own brokenness and failure as a person?
  2. When have I tasted the reality of God’s love and acceptance?

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.

3. When have I felt and experienced my soul’s deepest grief and had no words to speak the depth of loss I was experiencing?4. When have I experienced the comfort and peace of God’s presence?


Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.

5. When have I been free to see the person in front of me, even my enemy, and choose to only want what is best for them?6. When have I experienced the friendship of God and the gift of friendship from another?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied.

7. Is my greatest passion to find the will of God and to do the right thing above all else?8. Do you remember a day you experienced being perfectly satisfied and content as God’s child?

Blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy.

9. Do you remember an instance where you have been overwhelmed with the reality that God has forgiven you, personally?10. Do you remember an instance where you were able to extend that same forgiveness to another person who had deeply sinned against you?

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.

11. Do you remember an instance when you chose to keep your word when everything in you wanted to break it?12. Do you remember what you saw and experienced that day?

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.

13. Do you remember an instance where you made the first move of practicing love toward a person who deeply offended you and you were able to take responsibility for your part even though in your mind they were the real problem? (It was 90% their fault and just 10% yours.)14. Do you remember what it was like for you and the peace you experienced whether the other person responded or not?

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for they will be called sons of God.

15. Do you remember an instance when you made an allowance for a friend’s bad day, even though they hurt you deeply?16. Do you remember experiencing God smile as you responded in love to another when in your mind they did not deserve it?


Jesus said if you practice these beatitudes, you will rise above any relational attack and your life will stand. If you do not practice these beatitudes, your life will fall to pieces. For more reflection, read the entire Sermon on the Mount and be challenged by the most brilliant man who ever lived; a man who defeated death and made it clear that there is nothing in the world more important than a human being.You and I are loved, friend. And it is only through the power of His Spirit are we able to practice these attitudes and know that when we fail at these—we can begin again seventy times seventy.Simply and extraordinarily, forgiveness is the greatest miracle of my life. It cost Jesus his life. He arose to set me free so that I might extend the same forgiveness and love to others all the days I am on this earth. 


From India, With Love


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