The Life Changing Work of Coaching: Life Matters
Friends,So much has changed in our lives lately. I want you to know that I have been thinking of you and remaining hopeful despite the many tensions and traumas that our world is experiencing.Working as a life coach has taught me many things. One of the most important things my work has taught me is the most valuable gift one can give to another is to merely listen. I’ve also learned that people need a safe space to be seen, to reveal their hearts, and receive good information. And when these needs are provided, I’ve found that most people are able to experience the transformation they crave.Normally, I am unable to share the stories of the people I get to work with due to the code of confidentiality that Coaching: Life Matters is committed to. However, a young lady who I recently worked with gave me permission to share her testimony about the life changing work I get to be a part of. (Below is a letter she recently wrote.)Please know that if you are in need of a safe space to tell your story, I am here and would be honored to walk alongside you.As always, thank you for your continued support.Terry S. Smith
Dear Terry,I want you to know that I have been to counseling on and off my entire life, and specifically to three different therapists since my tumultuous separation from my abusive ex-husband in 2017. What you helped me to uncover in two sessions alone were more impactful than anything I have ever experienced.I will hold on to the discovery of my Core Lie and Core Truth for the rest of my life. Thank you for the precious gift you passed on to me, I just can't even begin to express how much it means. I donated last week and will continue to do so as I believe Coaching: Life Matters will continue to dramatically change lives. I hope you don't mind, but I have already passed on your name to multiple people.This weekend was my first weekend alone without my son, Walker, and fear came rushing in for his safety as his father remains trapped in the darkness of addiction. I am having to go back to court to fight for Walker’s safety and the financial burden is heavy. I have been wavering between attorneys/court, but God spoke to me this morning as I was reading and reflecting on the story of Elijah. I wanted to share what I wrote in my journal today in the hopes that this may speak to you (or anyone else):I will not be moved by fear, by hateful words of others. I will not be faltered by the opinion of others. I believe in the evidence of God’s love for me and how that love can never be shaken or diminished, moved or disappear. Like most of us, when I first started out on my spiritual journey, I thought that my life would follow a continuous upward path. But life is what happens when we’ve made other plans. I know now the reality is that just as the terrain of earth has both mountains and valleys, the terrain we travel on our spiritual path has its ups and downs.Terry, the work you are doing is bringing people to a new awareness of how much they are loved by their creator and providing the tools and understanding of how to navigate both the mountains and the valleys. I write today with the most sincere, tender heart saying thank you for opening the door to healing and hope.I believe the next chapter is going to be an exciting one,Nancy