The Highest Form of Relationship is Friendship

by Terry S. SmithAfter a lifetime of participating in and experiencing the gift of friendship, I have found that there are 10 Ways to accurately describe this gift:1. A friend is always glad to see you and has no immediate plans for your improvement.2. A friend has room for you to fail them and for them to fail you.3. A friend places no expectations on the relationship. All you have to do is “show up.”4. A friend can tell you what you don’t want to hear.5. A friend will always want to act in your best interest, even though it doesn’t feel like it.6. A friend is someone you will die for and will die for you.7. A friend will always give you room to make your own decisions.8. A friend will always respect your freedom to choose even when it is not in your favor or their favor.9. A friend will always forgive you.10. A friend will always love you.


The Secret Place