New Beginnings
Hello, Friends!With this new season of Spring, with the flowers blooming and the birds singing, I am hopeful that you are experiencing the sweet aroma of new beginnings and enjoying the many wonders of life.However, I know that some of you are suffering right now. I also understand that when we are suffering or experiencing a big transition in life, it can be hard to enjoy the wonders of life and the blessings of new beginnings.When I founded Coaching: Life Matters in 2012, the aim has always been to embrace those who are suffering and to bring hope to the hopeless. Sometimes that looks like working with couples who are facing a crisis in their marriage. Sometimes that looks like meeting with prisoners who are looking for internal freedom while they live their life behind bars. Sometimes that looks like working with companies who need an encouraging resource for their employees. And other times, that looks like traveling to foreign countries to spread the love and hope that we know is real and alive in the world.During the month of June, my wife, Charlotte, and I are excited to have the opportunity to travel to El Salvador. While we are there, we will be meeting with people and listening to their Core Story. We will also be focused on spreading “Peace,” teaching the people who live in a country infiltrated by violent crime on how they can experience peace in the middle of a storm.It has only been through prayer, dedication and your generous support that Coaching: Life Matters has been able to enter the suffering of this world to bring hope, healing and peace. And because the pain and suffering in this life can seem unbearable at times, we feel called to continue our mission to share the goodness and wonders of life here at home and abroad.Every week we are reminded that there are many people among us who are stuck with feelings of guilt, shame, blame and judgment. They blame themselves and they blame others. But, despite whatever you or someone you may know may be feeling trapped by, we are here to help get people unstuck. And we thank you endlessly for your continued support as we rely on your generous donations to provide our services at no cost.In other exciting news, I just returned from participating in a lectureship series at Pepperdine University on the topic of suicide prevention. As you may know, suicide is a rising crisis not only in our country but around the world and it is an epidemic that Coaching: Life Matters is committed to. I also recently was honored to join Sound of Hope to discuss the healing process as it relates to suicide. If you have a moment, please view the video as I think it can help us all become more aware on this topic.Lastly, I want to share an exciting announcement with you! The Board of Directors at Coaching: Life Matters has approved the opening of a new office in Knoxville, TN. My daughter, Sara Ross (M.Div, Masters work in Counseling), will be directing the office and working in the inner-city of Knoxville, helping young women discover their value and worth. She is married to Ashley Ross, Ph.D. who is also a Counselor and practices at the University of Tennessee. We are beyond delighted to have her join the team and open this new office location for Coaching: Life Matters.Peace to you and yours and thank you again for your continued support. To make your tax-deductible donation, please visit Joyfully,Terry S. SmithFounder & PresidentCoaching: Life MattersComing Soon! — This summer, we will be providing a free marriage enrichment resource on our website titled Coaching: Marriage Matters. This resource has been developed by our friends, Ron and Sandy Joyner (who have been married 48 years). We are excited about this addition to the Coaching: Life Matters website and extend a special thanks to Ron and Sandy for sharing their wisdom and insight. Photo by corina ardeleanu on Unsplash