66 // Peace for All
Listen to Podcast Episode 66: Peace for All
[cleanaudioplayer theme='dark' playlist="{title: '66: Peace for All', artist: 'Terry Smith', mp3: 'https://yourlifematterspodcast.s3.amazonaws.com/66Peacefor_All.mp3'}"]Subscribe on Stitcher (Android) | Listen on Google Play (Android) | Subscribe on iTunes (Apple)
Psalm 85 says, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say; he promises peace to his people.”I've lived in internal peace for the last 55 years. This peace is available to all. The reason that I am here is to be a clear witness to the resurrected Christ, who brings peace to all. He heals all my diseases; he will raise me from the dead; he forgives all my sins, offers hope to all.Look carefully at his life. He chose to suffer for us. He understands injustice, abuse, and judgment. He gave up his life for me, a sacrifice that I might live—to know the joy of his companionship.Eternal life is now.His personality lives in those who believe. His undeniable love radiates through his children. Receive his peace and love today; it's based on his resurrection, his eternal love is yours.All the best,Terry Sanford Smith Music credit: Tony Anderson; Image credit: Unsplash.